
The easy way to encrypt and store your DNA for generations to come. We make the power of strong encryption and distributed networking accessible to everyone.


Convenient. Secure. Independent.

Biotechnology constantly uncovers new genetic markers hidden in the human genome, so your DNA is potentially life-saving for a future you, and your offspring. Markers for cancer, heart disease, Alzhiemer's, obesity, even violent behavior have been found, and more will be uncovered in the future. But in the wrong hands it could be used maliciously. We make it easy to encrypt and store your DNA on distributed networks, which give you and your future offspring access to your DNA with the strong privacy protections and indestructability of a decentralized blockchain.

Safest Place for your Genes

Besides your cells.

We encrypt your raw genetic data using AES, the same encryption used by the world’s corporations, governments, and militaries to encrypt their data. Cracking AES using the fastest computers on earth would take trillions upon trillions of years. Even if the latest theoretical advances in quantum computing became a reality, AES is extremely likely to be secure from practical hacking for many many generations to come.